In this blog post, we’ll look at paint vs tiles elements and figure out why and how wall tiles may be a fantastic alternative to paint or wallpaper.
Many homeowners worldwide face dilemmas regarding the choices they have to make to make their spaces the best. One of those ‘which side to choose’ situations would arise in the battle between tiles and paint. There are several pros and cons that come with picking either, so it is definitely a tough choice to make. Here is a breakdown between the two that will help you make a thought-out decision for your homes.
Bathrooms will take the award of being the’most wet and moist’ corners of your house at any given point. For an area that is densely exposed to water and mist at all times, tiles will stand the test of time against paint, hands down. The simple reason is that tiles are impervious to water and are built to be resistant to porosity; hence they make an excellent choice for bathrooms.
Not to mention that tiles make the cleaning process more manageable, make your bathrooms look attractive and will, at the least, prevent extensive damage due to dampness. We also suggest taking a peek at our blog, Should I Paint or Tile Bathroom Walls?
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Our Indian kitchen is a food lab that runs most of the day. Cooking is an aggressive process, and Indian kitchens are overused cooking.
The most suitable choice for kitchens would be installing tiles over paint because the paint will surely be a victim to the fumes and steams of food. The purpose of paint is only to enhance the appearance of a room.
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Technically, paint does not guarantee preventative qualities against dampness, heat or humidity. Imagine having your kitchens painted. Those white-washed walls are underway to turn pale, dull or even yellowish because of the consequences of cooking. Tiles are the most preferred option for kitchens because they are made to withstand abuse in the form of heat, steam, vapour, etc. Tiles are super easy to clean. They have low porosity; hence they will not allow any deterioration in the walls due to the temperature differences in the kitchen.
These rooms are the more subtly used rooms in the house. In most cases, they are spaces that are not used extensively all day long. Even if they are extensively used, these rooms are less abused than your bathrooms and kitchens.
So, particularly for these two rooms, it is one’s choice whether one wants to have tiles or paint. For those who prefer painting their spaces and don’t mind the added recurring overhead and hassle, go ahead and paint them up! Of course, with paint, there is always the question of touch-ups since they may not be able to withhold wall dampness and are likely to lose colour over some time.
With tiles, it is more like a ‘one-time investment and a lifetime to go’ kind of a thing. In some cases, you can change the house’s appearance by rearranging some furniture or adding accents.
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No corner of your house is more exposed to the rain and the sun than your balcony. It is recommended to install tiles on balconies to maintain their longevity and functionality. With tiles, all that water that blows into your balconies during the monsoons will be prevented from seeping into your walls and during the summers, it will help keep your balconies cooler. Not to mention that it will make your balconies look more attractive, appealing and cozy.
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Now that we have understood what would typically work best for each corner of your home, it is time to understand the broad differences between tiles and paint.
Have you changed your mind yet? Check out our vast and amazing tile collection for all the walls of your homes!
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