Redecoration of a space includes complete planning and creativity of each and every section, be it the exterior or the interior. While the interior is part of creating the ambience and warmth for you and your family, the exterior defines the look of how others will see your home.

Not only others, it defines the way your house will welcome you each time you walk in. Walls are what make a space, it is not entirely incorrect to say because of the basic framework and construction of a space starting from its walls. While the interior of the house is generally the more pampered one and favoured being either dolled up with POP or with tiles, the exterior stays the most neglected even if it bears the load of all the protection from external factors, be it natural like rainstorm, snow or dust, or even the man-made ones like the unwanted animals or even unwanted guests.

We recommend that the exterior of the house be given equal importance and be adorned with the right kind of material with a careful selection of tiles. The tiles take complete responsibility of making your walls not only exquisite, but also provide a strength to your external walls by coating them with their beautiful design. This space gives you a complete know how of why using tiles is a good decision in the exterior and outdoor spaces and what all needs to be avoided while doing the same.

exterior wall tiles

Exterior wall tiles or Elevation tiles are different from the interior ones, mostly in their toughness, long-lasting features and their design and texture. The strength of the exterior tiles is required to bear the extreme weather conditions, be it the scorching sun or moist rain or the freezing snow, and still remain undamaged and beautiful.

Here are some Normal House Front Elevation Designs You might want to consider.

Not only this, the general outlook of exterior wall tiles is of concrete, outdoor element, rocky, stone kind. The texture of these tiles is not glossy, it’s textured and grainy which would let the least dust stay on. Such a texture ensures minimum moisture to stay on your walls and thus maintain the maximum lives of the tiles and your home.

exterior wall tile

Now that you are well versed with the exterior tiles and how they look, you need to select which tiles shall make it up to your walls and define your style being in your budget, yet speak of you highly.

  1. Weather: Figure out what all extreme conditions your walls might have to face and choose tiles accordingly. If you live in a snowy area, water seeping behind the tiles and in turn freezing and ultimately cracking the tiles might damage the wall.
  2. Heat Fading: If your exterior is subject to scorching sun, the colour of the tiles might fade and you should go in for light hues to retain the colour and thus the longevity of the exteriors. In case the wall stays majorly in shade, you might wanna plunge in for brighter shades.

exterior wall tile for swimming area

  1. Budget: This is an important consideration as this will ultimately decide the kind of material you can utilize for exterior tiles.
  2. Match the themes of interior with exterior: you might want to give everyone a trailer of the real movie inside and plan your colour and style accordingly for the exterior tiles. Popular Elevation tiles patterns are; brick patterns, natural stone patterns to name a few, these patterns help your exterior walls not just look great but give them a character of their own. You can check the latest range of elevation tiles  here.

Layout of the tiles and correct sealing procedure: Installation of the tiles is an important skill and this is best handled by professionals. This task done well shall ensure the long life of your exteriors.

You can also view Orientbell’s High Depth Elevation tiles here –

Happy redecoration!