Vastu Tips: Welcome Positivity  into Your  Home

Orient Bell Tiles

Positioning Of The Entrance


If you are in search of a new house, choosing a direction of the entrance can benefit a lot.

Keep The Entrance Clutter-Free

Keep the entrance decluttered as that’s where you enter and leave the house from.  It should also not have any kind of mess and shadows cast on it.


Steps Should Be  Odd Numbered

If you live in an independent house and have an elevation leading up to your entrance, make sure the steps are in odd numbers and not even. 


Vastu Tips for A Positive House Entrance

The Main Entrance Should Be Well- Lit

Doorways are the first pathway to your house, make sure it is as lit as possible. If there’s less natural light, fix up lighting that will brighten up the space.


You Can Use Wood  For The Entrance

If your entrance is facing the dreaded south or southeast direction, you can use wooden material for the entrance door as it is considered very auspicious.


Add Mirror To Reflect Positivity

Place the mirror at such an angle that will allow maximum positivity reflected towards your door.


Place Plants Near The Entrance

Plants always add a good vibration, whether you place them near the entrance or anywhere else in the house. Beauty attracts positivity.


Vastu Tips for A Positive House Entrance

Always Put Up A Nameplate

Place the nameplate on the left side of the main door, as it is said to be more auspicious than the other side.


Placement of Doorbell On The Main Door

Opt for a doorbell with a soothing and soft sound to enhance the positive energy of the home.


Colour of The  Main Door

Some of the colours for the entrance doors are as follows: 1. West: Blue and white 2. North: Green 3. South-west: Yellow 4. East: White, wooden colours or light blue